LAVTY Cleaning has the upholstery cleaning solutions in Charlotte that you are looking for.
Among the big-ticket items we buy in life includes our furniture. You take careful time and consideration before making the purchase. Unfortunately, over time, they can quickly become dull, dirty, and even damaged. If you have noticed the color in your couch is no longer as bright as when you first bought it or have had a significant spill that looks impossible to fix, don’t lose hope.
When you work with our staff, we will first inspect your areas of concern and then do an evaluation of other potential issues you may have not even noticed. We have a number of solvents and solutions at our disposal, and we have the experience to know which one will be the most effective in your unique situation. It is our goal that you are able to enjoy many more years with your furniture upholstery to get the most out of your investment. Just like you must maintain your vehicle for longer-lasting life, your upholstery is no different. We understand the proper upholstery cleaning solutions to use on your fabric to increase longevity and make future cleaning easier.
Upholstery Cleaning
Our expertise does not stop at ordinary fabrics. If you have leather upholstery that needs cleaning, we are here to help. Over time, leather loses it’s moisture, and this can leave it susceptible to cracking. While there are solutions available at retail stores, they often only provide a temporary solution with potentially damaging results later on down the line. Our professional team has access to special solutions to be applied by an experienced cleaner. Don’t sit around and let your expensive furniture risk the fate of time. Call 980-585-5585 and let us affordably handle your upholster cleaning.
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